The short story Betel Nut Is Bad Magic for Airplanes portrays an act of civil
disobedience, in which Papa New Guineans speak up against Australians who are
trying to colonize them. Similar to Tales of the Tikongs, Kasaipwala uses
humor to criticize an injustice he sees in his world and provoke his audience
to reflect on their actions that may contribute to a larger injustice in their
In both stories, an entire group of
people being is disenfranchised by a foreign power, but in Betel Nut Is Bad Magic for Airplanes, Kasaipwala uses a particular
case of racism to comment on the injustice of imperialism at large. Kasaipwalova
begins by writing from the perspective of a native university student who is
treated unfairly by an officer. Throughout much of the story, the university
student uses his country’s vernacular, which is viewed as unintelligent by the
colonists. He refers to a security officer that tells them to stop chewing
betel nut as a “brown puppy dog of white man” who “angried himself for nothing.”
Both the reader and the security
officer assumes that he is only capable of using the broken language, so they
are surprised when he addresses the injustice with well formulated arguments in
perfect English. The native responds “all right white man, on what moral
grounds is it unlawful for me to chew betel nut here?” His language is
dramatically more eloquent and the shift makes the reader laugh because it is
completely unexpected. Kasaipwalova not only uses the incongruity to evoke laughter,
he uses it to remind the audience that they are guilty of stereotyping. The
audience also assumes the native is unintelligent and incapable of articulating
his thoughts. They neglect to realize the native may have been using his native
dialect as a form of resistance in which he refuses to conform to the new
regime. In this unexpected, humorous moment the audience also realizes their assumptions
are often based on stereotypes and they need to be more conscious of it.
It is worth noting that the reader
finds out at the same time that the security officer. Kasaipwala strategically withholds
the information from the reader to remind them that they are not always given
the whole story, so naturally fill in the holes with assumptions. These assumptions
are natural and harmless, unless the reader accepts them as the truth and fails
to question their validity. Kasaipwala is implying that his audience often
fails to question their assumptions in their daily life. and he wants his
audience to realize that they often don’t know someone’s full story so they accept
stereotypes as the truth.
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