Similarly to Tales of the Tikongs, “Betel Nut is Bad Magic for Airplanes” uses
humor to effect social or behavioral change in the audience. Kasaipwalova employs
humor to lighten the mood of a heavier, social justice oriented story. This
serves to develop a sense of kinship between the author and his audience. We
are immediately on the side of the people chewing the betel nut. By referring to
the white people in the airport as “puppies,” Kasaipwalova does not allow his
readership to take them seriously. Early on in the story, the “puppy he gets very
angry” and yells at the people for chewing betel nut (433). An angry puppy
barking at people is a cute picture. It’s not exactly something we would
validate and get behind as an audience. We immediately assume that the anger is
unfounded. This makes Kasaipwalova’s job easier now that he does not have to
convince the audience that the white people in the airport are in the wrong.
In Candide,
Voltaire makes use of the Incongruity Theory we’ve been talking about in class
to raise philosophical questions. Everyone who tells their story in the novel must
one up the last person, so the tales become more and more ridiculous as the
story goes on. Personally, I didn’t find many of them particularly funny, but
they were shocking. Cacambo tells Candide that he is “surprised at everything,”
and who can blame him with the crazy circumstances that seem to follow his
every move (38)? The El Dorado episodes present the clearest example of
Incongruity Theory. The people there flip just about every expected
circumstance on its head. The children play in dirt made of “gold, that of
emeralds, the other rubies” and think nothing of it when Candide tries to give
them back the rocks they left behind (41). The citizens of the city laugh at
Cacambo and Candide when they try to pay for dinner using “pebbles” (42).
Everything in the city is luxurious to the extreme, and people are unaffected by
it. All of this ridiculousness is employed to ask the audience why they place
so much value in gold and precious stones when, in reality, they are just rocks
from the ground. In this case, Incongruity Theory is being used to get the
audience to think about what they value in life and why.
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